Victor Borge

A Tribute to Victor Borge

These web pages are a tribute to the "Great Dane", who was not only an unequaled humorist and entertainer but also a world class pianist.

Victor Borge was pronounced "the funniest man in the world" by the New York Times - and millions of people all over the world agreed.

Rosetta Stone
Picture Gallery
Sound Clips
Victor Borge Links
Books, videos, music

Guest Book
About this site
Awards received
Dansk version

Victor Borge
January 3rd, 1909 - December 23rd, 2000

Victor Borge invented the inflationary language - you know, the one where numbers hidden in the language (like wonderful) become inflated (twoderful).

Now you can use the Website Inflater to "inflate" almost any website or text. Any links will be edited to point to an inflated version of the target, the effect being that you browse an inflated Web.

Try for instance to inflate Victor Borge's Story about Anna and Bob.

What else is new at the Tribute Site?

This website is authorized by Victor Borge's heirs. It was acknowledged by Borge himself and it is regarded as his semi-official home page.

On these pages you will find a biography of Victor Borge, and a picture gallery. Enjoy a page of sound clips and videos (eg. an explanation of the Phonetic Punctuation and a piano solo,"Denmark, my Native Land") and a page containing Victor Borge Links. You can also buy books, videos and music, offered in association with

Victor Borge was born and raised in Denmark, and even if he has lived in the USA since the war, he is still closely connected to his native country. Therefore it is my pleasure to introduce "The Victor Borge Rosetta Stone" - each day a different Borge quotation, in both English and Danish to allow all you English speaking people to learn a bit of the Danish language, day by day.

You are strongly encouraged to share any Borge sentences, pictures or information that you think might interest the Victor Borge fans all over the world. Participate in my Victor Borge Forum, or mail me. My email address is

In the fall 2000 Victor Borge asked me to thank each and everyone who sent him thoughts and greetings from this website. It was a great pleasure for him to read all the warm letters from all over the world.

This website will remain a living tribute to the everlasting art of Victor Borge. You can use the Forum to share your memories of Victor Borge, or to discuss any Borge-related subject.

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Page maintained by Werner Knudsen, Copyright © Werner Knudsen. Created: 18-08-1996 Updated: 14-12-2009
The author is a member of

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